Thursday, February 27, 2020

The soicial functions of design and public design Research Paper

The soicial functions of design and public design - Research Paper Example A growing number of organizations, especially in the public sector; this across Western societies, are constantly seeking out innovations in the sphere of public design and design in general. The resultant effects of the global financial crisis have thrown many governments and their respective administrations into immense challenging situations. Every society has its own culture and traditional practices that make it unique. The cultural practices of different societies, in the world, are made and challenged by social groups depending on their benefit or detriment. Design and public design is one of the ways through which the process of constructing and challenging cultural issues. for instance, graphic design communicates the cultural and social beliefs that are practiced by political and economic groups and the society, at large. It is part and parcel of a process where beliefs and values are changed and transferred from one place to another. It does this in order to teach people n ew cultures and ways of doing things that are practiced in other societies. Design has a social role because it serves to change the beliefs and mindsets that people have about certain issues of life. In this case, change means the altering or transforming of beliefs and attitudes that affect people. For example, graphic design is a manifestation of the cultures that exist in different societies. Through design, people reproduce social power and imbalances, ways of communication and ideologies challenged or supported by people. Design amplifies and controls communication through publicizing messages without having to publish them. Design is a form of communication that travels through the world collecting and passing information about cultures and ways of interaction through criticism and viewpoints. For example, during the 1979 elections in Britain Graphic design was a radical and a driving force for social change through the support of right wing party ascension towards government . Design has been as a force that forges resistance to social order and authority that are discriminative upon the people (Ellis, 2010). Design and public design are also important to the society in the sense that it constructs and reconstructs racial and gender identities among societies. Race and gender are artificial concepts that are formulated in the mindsets of people and are beyond biological differences between people. Race and gender concepts are created and created and communicated through aspects, such as design and public design. This is because design travels throughout the world without difficulties. It communicates sociological concepts throughout the world without distinguishing distance, time or space. This way, they create social identities that are translated into beliefs held by people (Richard, 1990). Most European countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece, just to name but a few have faced bankruptcy for some time. This has necessitated, due to the tremendous pressure present, a dramatic shift towards reforming the public sector, including pension systems among others. Even those governments in less dire situations are also undertaking similar if not as radical measures as their counterparts. Examples include the United Kingdom’s introduction, through its coalition government; the notion of ‘Big Society’

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Copyright and Student Use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Copyright and Student Use - Essay Example Copyright protection can be availed for original work of authorship. It comes into existence from the time when the work of author takes a permanent authorized form. As per the copyright law it is only optional to register the work in the copyright office. Although when the work is registered, there are advantages. Normally literary works, musical works, works related to drama, works related to choreography, pictorial and sculpture works, films, sound recordings, softwares etc are copyrightable. However facts, words, symbols, lettering, ideas, scorecards, diaries etc does not come under the purview of the copyright act. The rights of the copyright owner can be divided into five categories, which are reproduction of the work, preparation of copied work, carrying out the work, exhibiting the work and the allocation of the work. One of the main aspects of the copyright law is called "fair use." The term "fair use" is often used as a justification for replication. This aspect has been widely exploited by people associated with education under the pretext that it is essential for teaching and schools which come under the non profit organization category to use copyright works. As per section 107 of the copyright act there are four ways to replicate a work legally. ... All these four criteria have to be met for shaping fair use. The term fair use does not come into reckoning if the reason for repetition does not come under the categories of criticism, remark, news coverage, learning, and research. Copying of news magazines is allowed but copying of a short story does not come under fair use. Copying a large segment of work is not fair use but is a case of infringement. It can never be associated with fair use. Copying an article even for educational use is prohibited under copyright act. If the copying is not prohibited specifically, copying can be allowable under fair use (South eastern Louisiana University COPYRIGHT POLICIES 1999). How can you use copyright materials for educational purposes' Various norms and laws on copyright are very important for the promotion of creativity. A very efficient as well as a balanced system is of utmost importance in the field of protection of culture. Moreover a suitable copyrighting structure is necessary for the cultural and economic cooperation in the international level (Ficsor. M.2005) One of the toughest challenges faced today is to safeguard children from the negative influence of internet without sacrificing the right to receive information. Nowadays more parents are worried about their children using internet for wrong purposes. There is also a feeling of insecurity because of the lack of technical knowledge possessed by them when compared with the younger generation. By using the filtering software technology, this problem can be solved up to a certain extent. For getting the full advantages of internet access, children should be guided by parents as well as adults. This would produce new accesses for internet which in turn will provide great